Türkiye , Avrupa, Ortadoğu, Türki Devletler, USA, Canada ve Afrika Exclusive Distribütörleri
Dza Grup-Atila Atay ve Bora Yemenoğlu
0 530 944 9820- 0 532 367 91 56
These Patented Emergency Water Making Machines, (Aquapillar, Aquator and Aquastation ) have the same method of filtering and purifying any water for to supply the best quality of drinking water which is approved by NSF.
The machines can filter all unwanted substances such as; viruses, bacterias, dirts,arsenic and. MICRO PLASTIC & MICRO FIBERS … The method is unique and the patents belongs to Slovenian Scientist Mr. Hakim Al Khiar who has his own laboratory called “Aqua Lab “ in Koper- Slovenia
These machines have been sold to many key establishments such as Slovenian Ministery of Defense, Municipalities and many other places which are shown in references page.
As a company “Dza Grup” , and our partner Mr. Bora Yemenoglu , we are exclusively authorised to sell knowhow and retail selling of these machines in all over the world.